Spelling words

List 1 Essential List Words
I       a      in      was      the

it      to    my     and      we 

Spelling Practice List 1

List 2 Essential List Words
at   had  of  that  up

but  he  on  then  went

for  is    she  there  when

got  me  so  they   you

Spelling Practice List 2

List 3 Essential List Words

about        after    all    are    back     as
because   came   be    day   down     get
going        have    got   his    home    her
into           just     like   mum  not       one
some        our      out   said    with     were

Spelling List 3 Practice

List 4 Essential List Words

again      could      food     old       them
an           around   dad       from     only
this         did          good    or         time
big          do            has      other    took
by          first          him      over      two
can        school      house  us         put
come     would       if          ran        very
no          your          little     saw      well
now       see            next     their     what
people   started      night    off        will

Spelling List 4A Practice

Spelling List 4B Practice

List 5 Essential List Words

Spelling List 5A Practice


1 comment:

  1. To Room2

    Can everyone in the class knows all those words? Who knows all the words?

    From Katherine:)
