Tuesday, 28 June 2011

KC Clubs - Jump Jam

We get lots of exercise at Jump Jam!
We have to try really hard to follow the actions
and move in the right direction.
Our favourite routines are Kung Fu Fighting
and Bob the Builder. 

We are very focused on what we are doing!

Look at us! 
We are all doing the same thing at the same time. 
Well done.


  1. It looks like everyone is having a great time in the KC Jump Jam Club! Keep up the great jamming!
    Christine (Thomas's mum!)

  2. Wow what a cool KC CLub! you all look like you are keeping in time and trying out tricky moves in time to the music! I hope to pop in and see you in action on Friday.

  3. room2 hat cool danceing you's have some more dance room2 From Jordan14

  4. Your KC clubs look really fun. I bet you are learning lots of different skills.
    You are working hard at keeping in time to the music when dancing jump jam. Well done!
    What do you find challnging about jump jam?
