Tuesday 27 September 2011

Faye and shaun

We are learning about shapes. A pyramid is a 3D shape.


  1. Your right a pyramid is a 3D. Can you name any more 3D shapes? Can you tell me what the difference is between a 2D and a 3D shape?
    Mrs Head

  2. Cube
    rectangular prism
    A 2D shape is flat and a 3D shape goes three ways - out, back and up
    DId you know that?

  3. Wow you know lots of 3D shapes I am impressed that you know a rectangular prism! Well done it sounds like you have been learning lots in maths. It is great to see that you can explain the difference between 2D and 3D as well. 3D does go three ways and that's what makes it look like it is popping out of the page if you draw a 3D shape. Lots of us enjoy going to watch 3D movies now because it feels like we are part of the movie when things jump out at us. Have you ever been to a 3D movie? I hear The Lion King is coming to the movies in 3D lots of Room 11 children are excited about that.
